2 Historic Operators:

1947 was founded Empresa Nacional de Telecomunicaciones
through a merger of Marconi Wireless Telegraph and Radio (Telegrafia) Nacional.

Telecom Colombia
1950 the company became Telecom
following another merger with Empresa de Radiocomunicaciones.

1991 Liberalization of the Columbian Telecom market.

2003 Empresa Nacional de Telecomunicaciones -Telecom replaced by
Colombia Telecomunicaciones (Colombia Telecom)
2006 the privately owned Spanish Telefonica acquired 50% of Columbia Telecom


Telefonica Telecom now renamed Telefonica.co
can be considered as the historic operator of Columbia,
now a joint venture between the state of Columbia
and the private Spanish Telefonica.

1884 was founded in Bogota
La CompaƱia Colombiana de Telefonos (CTC)
which was later acquired by the Bogota city council
renaming it ETB
the Empresa de Telecommunicationes de Bogota

With the arrial of GSM
new operators appeared in the country

New Telecom players

Movistar is a brand of Telefonica from Spain.
Besides Spain the brand operates
in a multitude of Latin American countries.

Claro Colombia
is a division of the Mexican operator America Movil.
Claro was created through a merger of Comcel and the Colombian activities of Telmex.
Claro is the largest mobil phone operator in Colombia.

Tigo by Colombia Movil
Tigo is owned by ETB, MIC and EPM
Third largest Mobil Operator in Colombia

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